
Brew Tea Gong Fu style (In Tiny Teapots)

This class has passed
This class has passed

What’s it all about?

Have  you ever walked past Chinese tea shops with those cute little teapots?  No they are toys or ornaments!  They are part of the Gong Fu style of brewing tea.  Developed in China, it is the best way to brew tea when you want to enjoy tea at its finest.  The preparation and practice is a relaxing and mediative way to enjoy tea solo or with your friends.   It is considered the best way to appreciate tea.
In this class you will be able to not only learn how to but also you will get to practice under guidance.  You will learn how each piece is used as you Gong Fu.  You will be surprised how easy it is

What will we cover?

In particular we will discuss:

  • What teas are suited to glass or yixing teapots and gaiwans
  • What are the essential pieces of equipment to start your practice
  • Learn what is piece of equipment brings to the art of Gong Fu
  • Understand the basic principles of brewing Gong Fu

This class is not a demonstration but a tutorial in Gong Fu brewing.  There will be equipment for everyone to try their hand at using the small teapots or Gaiwans

Who will be teaching?Tania Tea

Tania, founder of Cuppa Cha and WTBC champion tea brewer, has a special interest in tea cultivars and processes with a passion for Taiwanese oolongs.  Through Cuppa Cha, she educates and encourages tea beginners and tea lovers alike to learn more about the origins, harvest and production of tea to make better decisions about what they drink. You can find out more on her YouTube Channel or Facebook.